Graphic of a growing masterplan as per landscape urbanism principles. The city grows along and in between agricultural land. Whereby the landscape functions as green infrastructure.
Roots of the water

Huairou, Beijing, China

Team members: Janneke Eggink, Giorgio Cucut, Jie He
During our Landscape Urbanism master thesis at the AA, we explore the idea of the mechanic city. As designers, we were more interested in the journey that produces the new cities than in the final, consolidated status. We wanted to start a sort of metabolic process that, eating and digesting, grows altering the city and the landscape. Whereby water management is the main link within. Water used within the city is collected and treated to be used in agriculture and production for the city.  Exploring the closed loop of the water.
See the full thesis online: Roots of the Water
Urban development challenges linked to urban growth. Climate change, lack of water, waste, pollution, lack of food, increase water demand, desertification.
The current scenario depleting the source of water. Potential scenario is a closed loop of water linking the city and agriculture with the water loop. Providing eco-tourism and a zero km market.
The water crisis / The current situation of the water system in the Beijing's region; most of the rivers are extremely polluted and the main reservoirs are getting dramatically smaller every year. The construction of new urban developments has to deal with this issue in order to start an intelligent cycle to link the city and the countryside with the water.  
Water project cycle / The first mechanism of our process is to give back an economic value to the agricultural area that surrounds the city. This will be possible bounding it strictly to the city life and the needs of the citizens. The installation of a zero km market perfectly links the urban area with the production of the necessary food. The second mechanism of the process is he possibility to collect the waste water of the city, clean, and use in order to cultivate the fields in a intelligent cycle.
Diagram highlighting the collection of grey water, black water and bio waste. Primary and secondary treatment options of the water and solid waste. Final recycled material and how to reuse it.
Overview diagram showing the relation of the city and the agricultural land linked with the water cycle. It starts with the city population and the required food production to sustain the residents. The grey and black water collection from the city and its treatment. The amount of food production that can be irrigated with the collected and treated water. The number of farmers required to cultivate the land and the industries required to process the final products.
The growth of the future city in relation to the growth of agricultural land. It starts with the old city and the water collection within. This water is used to irrigate the first agricultural fields. The new city will grow. The additional water collection will be used in future agricultural land. Providing a growth from old to new.
Visualization showing the link of water with agricultural land. Highlighting landscape infrastructure.
“… a city is always in a state of transition. The problem of a planner is to shape that transition towards a desired end. “
Ludwig Hilberseimer
Graphic of a growing masterplan as per landscape urbanism principles. The city grows along and in between agricultural land. Whereby the landscape functions as green infrastructure.  The masterplan growth starting from the old city and eats and growths into the agricultural land.